Using the seeds I collected last year supplemented by Urban Harvest seeds remaining from last year, in late March and early April I planted:
Parsley, dill (2 varieties), cilantro, arugula, rapini, beets, bush beans, peas, ochra, basil, nasturtium, tomatoes (3 varieties), peppers (don’t know what kind!), sage, tot sui, lettuce and sunflowers.
Given the mild winter and warm early spring we had, I had hoped to transplant them into the garden by early May. But the change in weather prevented that. I now wonder how they will do once in the garden. Most of the seedlings have become stringy and leggy as they’ve been in the pot for too long without enough sunlight. I’m hoping to put most of them in the land in the coming week if the overnight temperature stays above zero (I can’t believe it got down to -6 for some nights last week).